Monday, May 31, 2010

Joe Sestak, The Gay Patriot's New Best Friend

Joe Sestak has become a new celebrity over at Gay Patriot. Latest Patriot entry defers to a WSJ article which points out the obvious criminality of the whole incident involving the white house.

Now here is where I think the Patriots have become so disingenuous with their readers, they claim that Obama is doing politics as usual and that people voted for him because he was in essence the change from that. It is obviously clear that Obama is not unique to this dirty dancing, in fact he has been doing this all the way back as state senator in Illinois. So, no I'm not surprised, nor would I be shocked if a Republican administration were to do the same exact thing either (and if that were the case, than of course our fellow patriots wont call it criminal, but rather a tragedy just like Jack Abermoff's run in with racketeering and fraud charges.)

I do believe however that if there was any wrongdoing committed by the Obama White House or better yet with Bill Clinton, there should be an independent investigation as soon as possible. But seeing how illusive the Patriots have become, an investigation is not their interest. They are motivated by their own political ideologies, (the same allegations they spout on the liberals) and I have yet to see what the Republican party will actually do to remedy the situation for the good of the nation and the rule of law, not for political expediency. But we all know that the GOP will use this situation to their advantage while ignoring the many times they have used these shady illegal tactics when they were in office as well, bottom line it is sadly a widespread problem on BOTH sides of the isle. That is why I think Republicans will just sleep on this for now and take it out of their bag of tricks come November.

So I will suggest to the Patriots not to hold their breaths on this anymore. No matter how much they seem to care (or pretend to) about this scandal, like many others committed by politicians with R's and D's next to their name, it will ONLY remain a good story for the bloggers and the radio talk shows thanks to a complacent GOP that is after all, much like the beloved Patriot blog, an opportunistic leech.

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